12 things we learned at the International Labour Conference

Martin Murphy, Director of Communications and Public Information

Martin Murphy, ILO Director of Communications and Public Information (a.i). @martinmurphyilo

As part of our coverage of the 105th Session of the International Labour Conference, we sat down with experts on a whole range of topics to look at some of the biggest issues facing the world of work. These talks were broadcast live to an audience of thousands of people worldwide, who shared their thoughts and questions with our experts. Here’s a short list of some of the things that we learned.

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What’s on the agenda at this year’s International Labour Conference?

Janine Berg, Senior Economist

Greg Vines, ILO Deputy Director-General for Management & Reform

The 105th Session of the International Labour Conference gets under way in Geneva, Switzerland from 30 May – 10 June. Here’s a primer on the main issues that will be discussed.

Progress on poverty

Poverty rates have been falling steadily for over two and half decades, but a new ILO report shows that the rate of progress has slowed significantly. In fact, in some developed countries, poverty levels have even begun edging upwards since the economic crisis.

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How are workers faring in the gig economy?

Janine Berg, Senior Economist

Janine Berg, Senior Economist at the ILO and Valerio De Stefano, ILO Technical Officer on Non-Standard Forms of Employment

Most workers in the on-demand economy are considered by the platforms that they work for as being freelance workers. What are the consequences for workers of being classified that way?

To find out, we carried out two studies—one economic and one legal—on the on-demand economy to tackle some of these issues as well as learn more about the implications of the growth of new forms of casual labour.

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