Puntland, between a road and a hard place


Chief Technical Advisor in Somalia

To the outside world, the semi-autonomous Somali region of Puntland is largely known – if at all – for its pirates. But it has a lot more than that to offer.

Demands from leaders to deliver are high; rightly so. The ILO evidently has a key role to play in the region: every conversation turns to jobs and how to use whatever natural resources there may be in the barren landscape. There is a high probability of gas, if not oil, either inland or offshore. Continue reading

Taking the uphill struggle for jobs to Davos

Guy Ryder

Guy Ryder

By Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization

Follow @GUYRYDER‘s tweets from #Davos

“Leading through adversity”, “The Economic Malaise and its Perils”, “Creating Economic Dynamism” – these are some of the panels taking place here in Davos at this year’s World Economic Forum.

For many of us here these discussions boil down to this: How can the battered global economy bounce back and stay strong?  Continue reading

Tunisia, two years on

Raymond Torres

Raymond Torres

By Raymond Torres, Director of the ILO’s International Institute for Labour Studies

The fall of Tunisia’s authoritarian regime two years ago brought hopes of major change in the North African country. Today, some disenchantment can be felt. Continue reading