What happens in a classroom doesn’t stay in the classroom

Patricia O'Donovan By Patricia O’ Donovan, Director, International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin

“When I went back to work, I gathered together officials from many Ministries, joined three working parties on law-making, helped draft a Maritime Labour Act and got promoted. Now I hope that the legislation I have worked on will finally be presented to Parliament with high-quality legal back-up and, most importantly, will conform to international labour standards.” Continue reading

The ILO goes to Hollywood

Iselin Danbolt

Iselin Danbolt

By Iselin Danbolt, Brand Management and Marketing Officer, Department of Communication and Public Information

With trepidation I stepped on a plane to Hollywood to meet with – let’s face it – some of the world’s most famous workers in their natural habitat.  We live in a world where we are infinitely fascinated by celebrities. Who wears what, who has had cosmetic surgery and who’s dating who are questions you will often find people discussing. I can’t judge, as I am also one of them.

And although I would love to share more details in response to the questions above, I was more interested in finding out about what the industry thought about the ILO. Continue reading

“Freedom is first”, in the movies and in real life

Nada Al-Nashif

Nada Al-Nashif

By Nada Al-Nashif, Assistant Director-General & ILO Regional Director for Arab States

I used to think I was pretty good at keeping my personal and professional lives apart – no “work” conversations at dinner parties, only action movies to disengage, no watching the news late at night.

Events in the Arab world have kept us on our toes these past two years and many lines have been crossed. This last week has confirmed that no such distinction is possible. Continue reading