A big team with a clear goal

Information Officer, ILO Country Office for the Philipines.

The referee blows the whistle, indicating that the match is about to start. As I help my 10-year old son put his goalie gloves on, I recall the time he asked me about children working with dirty hands.

It was five years ago. I had just returned from a field visit to an ILO project in Camarines Norte, Philippines. As I was unpacking, he saw some pictures I had taken of children working in gold mines.

“Why are those children working with dirty hands, Mama? I have clean hands and a nice watch but they don’t. Why are they not in school?”  Continue reading

Nurturing life after Japan’s tsunami

Crisis Specialist, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

11 March 2011. The TV screen was showing live images of the tsunami as it struck Japan’s eastern coast. From what the reporter was saying, I quickly realized that the images were of my mother’s hometown, where I had spent my summer vacations as a child. I could not recognize a single thing, it was all gone. It felt like the end the world. 

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