“Freedom is first”, in the movies and in real life

Nada Al-Nashif

Nada Al-Nashif

By Nada Al-Nashif, Assistant Director-General & ILO Regional Director for Arab States

I used to think I was pretty good at keeping my personal and professional lives apart – no “work” conversations at dinner parties, only action movies to disengage, no watching the news late at night.

Events in the Arab world have kept us on our toes these past two years and many lines have been crossed. This last week has confirmed that no such distinction is possible. Continue reading

Tunisia, two years on

Raymond Torres

Raymond Torres

By Raymond Torres, Director of the ILO’s International Institute for Labour Studies

The fall of Tunisia’s authoritarian regime two years ago brought hopes of major change in the North African country. Today, some disenchantment can be felt. Continue reading