Include indigenous people in COVID-19 response


Pratima Gurung, General Secretary, IPWDGN President, NIDWAN

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on an indigenous peoples, particularly those with disabilities.

In Nepal the COVID-19 crisis has been especially hard on indigenous peoples. We had to learn a new vocabulary and use words like quarantine, self-isolation, hand sanitizers and social distancing. Continue reading

Young workers will be hit hard by COVID-19’s economic fallout


Susana Puerto (ILO Research and Technical Specialist) and Kee Kim (ILO Macro-Economic and Employment Policies Specialist)

The COVID-19 emergency is affecting almost everyone in the world, regardless of age, income or country. However, young people are likely to be particularly hard hit by the economic fallout of the crisis. Find out five reasons why. Continue reading