Migrant Worker Resource Centres: Supporting justice and fair treatment

Max Tunon, Senior Programme Officer

Max Tunon, Senior Programme Officer / Coordinator of the GMS TRIANGLE project (Tripartite Action to Protect Migrant Workers within and from the Greater Mekong Subregion from Labour Exploitation

Imagine that you had a family to feed and moving abroad was your only option to earn a decent wage — but you didn’t know where or how to find work overseas. Or imagine that your daughter works abroad but that you haven’t had any word from her for months and months.

Or ask yourself what you’d do if you were injured at work a long way from home, with a hospital bill you couldn’t afford and an employer who refused to pay you as much as you’d agreed.

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Reflecting Global Change for Women in Business and Management

Deborah France Massin, Director, Bureau for Employers’ Activities – ILO

Earlier this year, the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities launched its report on Women in Business and Management: Gaining Momentum.

Its main messages are perhaps well known and hopefully accepted: women’s presence in the labour market is increasingly significant for economic growth and development and women represent an incredible talent pool which should not be ignored.

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What’s it like to get tested for HIV at work?

HIV/AIDS and the World of Work Branch (ILOAIDS)

The ILO is the lead UN-agency on HIV workplace policies and programmes and private-sector mobilization. ILOAIDS is the branch dedicated to this issue.

The world has made tremendous strides in the fight against HIV over the past several years. In most of the world, new infections are down, the average life expectancy of people living with HIV is up and we have good reason to think that 2030 could be the year we declare victory over AIDS.

But that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down. There are still around 35 million people in the world infected with the virus and one in two of them don’t know it.

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