What does water have to do with work? In Malawi, plenty

Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization

Carlos Carrion-Crespi, Specialist for public services and utilities sectors

Recently I travelled to Malawi to discuss jobs and water with Ministers, worker and employer groups. While there, I recalled that on World Water Day this year the President of the country, Peter Mutharika, was one of a number of heads of state who gave international recognition to the links between employment, development and managing our scarce water resources.

“Provision of potable water and good sanitation will directly result in poverty reduction as healthy people contribute to the development of the country (Malawi),” he told an audience in Malawi’s second city Mzuzu, on March 22.
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What Works for Youth Employment

A. Berar Awad G20 picture

Azita Berar Awad, Director of ILO’s Employment Policy Department

“What works?” is one of the most recurrent questions we receive from those looking for efficient solutions to address the youth employment challenge. Turning this demand into evidence-based action is at the centre of our efforts.

We must reckon with the fact that answers to this question are context and time specific.

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