Comments on: What Works for Youth Employment Blog of the International Labour Organization (ILO): Promoting jobs, protecting people Thu, 01 Sep 2016 12:03:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Olga Pap Thu, 01 Sep 2016 12:03:02 +0000 Being a Geographer and recently finished my phd thesis on the labour market inequalities, definitely one can say that the labour market has a form of a “Godian Knot” during an economical crisis period, especially for youth. In one of my essay titled “Youth and an Economically Sustainable Trajectory in Greece A Utopia?” I highlight the vital role of youth, which should be the key part, thus reflecting a high priority, in order to achieve and follow a sustainable economic trajectory. Only, with the involvement of youth will be a real improvement in human well – being and social equity, together with a significant reduction of risks and scarcities, since youth can
provide an excellent basis upon which a sustainable strategy may be modeled.
More specifically:
Actions Taken by Youth
The next question we do have to answer is how we as youth can achieve an economically
sustainable development. The first initiative taken is simply the youth
engagement to the whole development process, because youth are central to overcome
the existing barriers. The key word is partnership of state and private initiative taken by
the local youth population. The involvement of local communities in decision making
process about strategic issues related to production will result in high success rates,
because the members of the community have greater familiarity and understanding of
their area, as opposed to external factors.
Additionally, youth with the increased positive mood that characterized them should
begin the foundation of new industries and enterprises, which will provide them with
dignity and security, than consistently waiting and relying on jobs announcements of the
Greek public sector. It is no coincidence that until recently the dream of each family in
the country was the ensuring of a job position in the public sector of the economy, with a
fixed salary and diminished responsibilities. So, a behavioral change of Greek society and
youth that will combine imagination and practice together can make a great contribution
for an effective development.
In this point, essential is the role of Social Economy that youth should follo, together with the launch of “virtual” communities that will be truly comparable in impact and cohesion to physically face – to – face communities could be a real asset. In other words, the establishment of an online community that really encompasses young people can lead to the formation of social capital, which is essential for both to come close. Consequently, scholars and government officials should recognize the great contribution of social capital to the economic and social well – being
of individuals. Moreover, an e – platform aims to offer as well a suitable framework for
researchers to exchange ideas, research findings and views on present and future
challenges about sustainable development. The platform will host also a forum, in which
wishes and concerns will be expressed by young people. Forum will seek to contribute to
the development of mutually accepted policy responses to the pressing challenges faced
in the country. More specifically, it should aim at building a strong consensus on a long
term basis in favor of regional integration and stability.
