Comments on: Sailing into the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Blog of the International Labour Organization (ILO): Promoting jobs, protecting people Sun, 11 Jan 2015 18:38:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leo Howser Sun, 11 Jan 2015 18:38:10 +0000 Some seafarers criticize the convention, saying that it lacks teeth, does not address real issues, and skirts important seafarer needs such as decent sized cabins, cupboards in cabins, shore leave, and rest hours by including them into the non-mandatory section “B” of the convention—or worse, by not addressing them at all. I thought it was fantastic all the way around and I really enjoyed this article. Thanks for posting!

By: Ernest L. Gargar Wed, 04 Sep 2013 17:33:54 +0000 I am a glad Liberian seafarers for this convention coming in to force, but my question is what about countries who ratified said convention without any of their citizen been on any of their Flag ship, those it have an effect on the convention signed? Liberian seafarers want to sail. what can be done if countries that ratified said convention and refuse to have its citizen on board ships that fly its flag?
